We are the BCT


The University of Minnesota's Twin Cities Behavioral Consultation Team (BCT) provides a coordinated response to incidents arising from students who may represent a threat of harm to themselves or others. Membership includes staff from several departments across the University with expertise in student affairs, college student development, DEIJ, wellness, student conduct, law, and campus safety. The team operates within FERPA requirements.

Team Operations

Progression graphic with right-pointing arrows illustrating the following steps: gather data, risk rubric/analysis, and intervention.

NABITA: National Association for Behavior Intervention & Threat Assessment

Consultation Process of the Care Team & BCT

On the Twin Cities campus, there is an escalation of care to support students, as well as faculty and staff that are interacting with students of concern. This level of care is designed to provide support as behavior escalates. 

Care Team/Behavioral Consultation Team

The Student Affairs Care Team (CT) is the central repository for instructor and staff concerns related to student health, safety and concerning behaviors.  The CT staff is responsible for reviewing and triaging incoming referrals, gathering information, consulting with reporting parties, and engaging campus partners with a goal of determining interventions to support student well-being. The CT is supported by campus student support professionals. Weekly meetings with the smaller CT are convened to review and discuss student cases. Monthly meetings convene the University Care Team (UCT) to review statistics and trends. 

Conveners: Care and Student Advocate Services

Core BCT Membership:

  • Associate Vice President and Dean of Students
  • Boynton Mental Health
  • Care and Student Advocate Services
  • Disability Resource Center
  • Education Abroad Mental Health
  • Housing and Residential Life
  • International Student and Scholar Services 
  • Office for Community Standards
  • Office of the General Counsel (advisory only)
  • Student Counseling Service
  • University of Minnesota Police Department

Meeting frequency: Weekly on Tuesday during the academic year

Reporting Line: Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students up to the Vice President for Student Affairs.

Contact Us

Staff are monitoring email and phone messages. Our goal is to respond within 24 hours, M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Behavioral Consultation Team

[email protected]

Online Referral Form

Please note: The BCT is NOT a crisis line. We will respond to calls/referrals as quickly as possible but if the situation is an emergency, please call 911.